Did you know that approximately 43 million Americans went camping last year? Camping is becoming an increasingly popular vacation option for many families. Perhaps you have never gone camping or you may be an avid camper. No matter the situation, there is always a place to go to enjoy the great outdoors. You may even want to consider Ontario camping or Indiana camping as possible options.
Some people may be hesitant about “roughing it” outdoors when Ontario camping. The idea of sleeping on the hard, cold ground may not be appealing. However, with the new camping gear available, you can find all sorts of comfortable tents and sleeping bags that can help you avoid the rock in the shoulder blade when Ontario camping.
You can also consider RV camping when you want to go Ontario camping or camping in Colorado. There are many RV rentals available and with the number of available RV campgrounds throughout the country, you and your family can camp in style. Imagine camping in Michigan or that Ontario camping trip being experienced in an RV complete with bathrooms and kitchen facilities.
When Ontario camping you can look at this as a great educational opportunity for your children. You can teach them all about the etiquette of camping, such as the carry in, carry out policy that will leave the campground as clean or cleaner than when you arrived. You can also let your children know about things like biodegradable soaps and other environmentally friendly things when Ontario camping.
Of course, when Ontario camping you can enjoy all the fun of cooking over a fire. What child can resist a hot dog cooked over an open flame? And of course, you will not want to forget those toasted marshmallows that are a sure favorite.
You can even find Ontario camping venues that have playgrounds, pools and other amenities that can make your adventure even better.
Whether you are going to rough it while Ontario camping, or take a more luxurious approach, it is certain that your family will love the adventure and will be clamoring to do more camping vacations in the future.
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