Many of us want to try camping. There’s an undeniable appeal to living in the great outdoors, if only for a few nights. So why don’t more people go camping? The fact is that camping can be an intimidating activity for those of us who aren’t such great outdoorsmen. Many of us don’t want to spend time learning how to set up a tent when we could be cutting to the chase and camping. Furthermore, some of us just don’t feel all that safe or comfortable in a traditional camping setting. That’s where cabin camping sites come in. Cabin camping is a new trend that combines the beauty of the great outdoors with some of the creature comforts offered by vacation cabins. Cabin camping sites combine the best of both worlds, taking the stress of out of camping and assuring you of a trip you’ll never forget.
Cabin Camping Sites: Marrying Two Worlds of Camping
Cabin camping sites are a great way for people to combine two different types of camping. While camping with a tent means that you’re limited to one style of camping, finding a cabin for rent means that you can alternate between different styles of camping. It’s estimated that about 82% of cabin campers spent one or two nights outside. This also means that cabin camping leaves the potential for longer trips. People who aren’t quite cut out for weeks on the hard ground can spend more time in the great outdoors without tiring out, feeling unclean, or a number of other reasons why people tend to choose not to stay outdoors when camping. It also makes traveling long distances for camping a bit easier. The fact is that a waiting cabin rental means that you have less to travel with. With campers traveling an average of 186.7 miles for their camping trips, tents and extra supplies can add a lot of inconvenience where a vacation cabin rental can simplify the trip.
Family Cabin Camping: Simplifying Big Groups Through Rentals
Some of the most popular camping cabins are used for family vacations. Camping is one of the most popular avenues of family vacations; altogether families spent 534.9 million days camping in 2011. There are many reasons why people choose cabins for such outings. For one thing, a family vacation requires a lot more equipment than camping done alone or by a few adults. This makes the setup and the travel involved a lot easier. There’s more to camping as a family in general. Small children in particular are more susceptible to the elements, while children in general need special care that can be hard to do while camping. A cabin gives children a space to relax within; in particular, they provide the creature comforts that children find enjoyable — and when kids aren’t happy, nobody is happy. As such, it’s greatly important for children to feel as comfortable and safe as possible.
Cabin Camping: Safer For Newbies
Just because you’ve rented a cabin once doesn’t mean you have to rent a cabin every time you camp. If you’re an inexperienced camper and don’t have an experienced camper to go with, you shouldn’t head out to the wilderness on your own. The fact is that cabin camping can be a great way for people to ease into camping without doing too much at once. You can learn a lot about camping while having a cabin to fall back on. So if you’re unfamiliar with the area in which you’re camping, you should try a cabin first. Maybe next time, you can try camping the old-fashioned way.
It doesn’t matter how you go camping. There isn’t more “cred” or pride behind one method over the other. The important thing is that you have fun!
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