Vacation time is important for most workers within the United States. Whether they travel throughout the United States or abroad, 96% of employed Americans look forward to their vacation time. In 2016 alone, there were approximately 218 million people traveling via various airlines to or from the United States. Flying internationally is particularly popular for those individuals that want to experience new cultures and explore historical sites of interest. Sampling a country’s local cuisine is also at the top of the list for many international travelers.
Millennials and Their Travel Preferences
Millennials are inspired to travel for a variety of reasons. Just seeing photos taken by friends and family is often enough to influence their travel decisions. This age group is also inspired by scenes and settings in movies, and of course by social media. A recent survey showed that 23% of Millennials stated that social media had a significant impact on where they decided to travel. Since so many people in their friendship circle will post photographs and share travel anecdotes, this can definitely encourage others to travel as well.
Rather than spending their money on material things, it’s interesting to note that 76% of Millennials prefer spending it on experiences. While this may include going to concerts, museums, and theme parks, dining out is also popular with this age group. Forbes reported that 98% of Millennials look forward to experiencing local cuisines when they travel.
Baby Boomers and Their Travel Preferences
The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) released a survey on the travel preferences of Baby Boomers in 2016. The results revealed that this age group was the most motivated to travel for the following three reasons:
- To spend time with family and friends: 57%
- To get away from everyday life: 39%
- To relax and rejuvenate: 38%
The 2016 AARP survey also discovered the favorite travel destinations for Baby Boomers. Latin American was at the top of the list of international destinations for 41% of the participants. The second most desired international destination for 34% of the participants was Europe.
Consider the Benefits of Budget Travel
Are you experiencing issues with budgeting for leisure travel? This is common with some Millennials, Gen Xers, and Baby Boomers. Over 50% of Millennials and Gen Xers, for example, stated that the cost of traveling for leisure was an issue for them. While 49% of Baby Boomers didn’t report any challenges to planning for and taking trips, 15% stated that budgeting was their most significant challenge. Since many people within this age group may be nearing retirement or have already retired, saving up for a trip may take a considerable amount of time.
Whether you’re a Millennial, Gen Xer, or Baby Boomer, budget travel may be the perfect solution when you’re traveling on a budget. Budget travel is available through a variety of airline deals. When you travel less expensively, there’s an excellent chance that you’ll be able to take more vacations throughout the United States and abroad. For more information, read this website.
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